Friday, September 11, 2009

I don't need you

It is a strange thing. If you stop needing things, then what do you do? Things become very simple. You are just you, doing things. But what do you do?

I don't have to go to practice. I can practice right here whenever I want. I don't have to prove it to anyone. So I know if and when I practice and that is it. Strange. Liberating.

An adjustment becomes an assist. But really.

I don't have to go to school. I can read a book right here whenever I want. I don't have to prove it to anyone. So I know if and when I read and that is it. Strange. Liberating.

Learning is learning. But only. ?

Do we only do things because of output. No matter how much we resist acting towards "a means to an end" are we going to do it anyway? Do we almost need it?

And even as bold and brave as this could sound right now. As self-contained and confident, after some time, we eventually start to need someone to hold us accountable.

(just musing.)

Friday, September 4, 2009

There is no teacher; you are the guru

"what we are trying in all these discussions and talks here is to see if we cannot radically bring about a transformation of the mind. not accept things as they are, but to understand it, to go into it, to examine it, give your heart and your mind with everything that you have to find out a way of living differently. but, that depends on you and not somebody else, because in this there is no teacher, no pupil. there's no leader. there's no guru. there's no master, no savior. you yourself are the teacher and the pupil. you are the master. you are the guru. you are the leader. you are everything... and to understand is to transform what is..." Jiddu Krishnamurti