Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It is like this—
I get up, make coffee, sit, sip, and browse the internet. That is how the day starts. I'm concentrating my eyes, my mind, my senses on this screen. Each image pops up and I respond with different sensations. On Facebook maybe it is happiness, safety, jealousy. On emails, satisfaction, annoyance... Blogs and videos and news. Jumping from one stimulation to the next— searching, really. Looking for something that will hold my attention, something I can become absorbed in and feel really whole and awake and inspired. As if some sort of outside element is responsible for all this. But we are simple creatures, aren't we? And the mind sort of ebbs and flows and then another piece of the mind scrambles to make sense of it with the information (set of standards in reality that it is used to) as a point of comparison. On one hand, I think it is a bit of a mess. On the other it is just part of the process and the other "I" sits back and watches the show. But it doesn't matter, I guess.

Maybe it is superficial, immature, unbecoming, what have you. I feel guilty like I should be sitting quietly absorbed in myself, thinking about the ultimate reality instead of looking for it online. Maybe the first step is seeing it and knowing maybe it would be nice to go there someday. In any case, there is a whole lot of bullshit on the internet and it would be fantastic to see more epic creations and ideas. Art, videos, writing. Make it and send it to my inbox.

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