Thursday, May 30, 2019

Day Fifteen - Learning to iron (minimalist wardrobe basics)

Not everything is like riding a bike.  How you just get back on and pedal as if years haven't passed.  Today I broke out my long forgotten clothing iron and teeny tiny completely impractical ironing board.  I am embarrassed to admit that I was sending garments to be dry cleaned simply because they were wrinkled.  I didn't want to ruin items by washing them myself.  I thought it would extend the life of each garment and also justified all of the above by telling myself that my time was worth more.  I would spend my clothing maintenance time doing things that brought me joy or earning.  I pretty much ignored the bills.  I recently looked.  About $20 per shirt.

So maybe after all the experimenting it will be worth that amount to send my clothes to dry cleaning. But right now I noticed that I am not actually spending extra time on things that bring joy like I said I would.  And there was a zen flow state to ironing and caring for my clothing...  

For now I am spending my time caring for my wardrobe.  Carefully cleaning and mending and de-dog hairing and steaming and ironing and while I am doing that, thinking.  Just being in my own mind letting my thoughts play out.  Because right now it seems obvious that I need that.

I have had trouble sleeping for some time now. Different reasons every night.  Lately it is good old-fashioned nightmares.  The ones where scenarios from the same day play out again and again in a terrible horror reel of anxiety.  Or I am stuck in high school and don't know where to find my classes and I will definitely get in trouble.  Ridiculous dreams of overwhelm and stress just playing out the things I haven't processed during the day.

So I am going to try ironing.  And trying to blog in the morning instead of again, night.

1 comment:

  1. Darling, I have a solutuon for you!
    Forget about old fashion ironing, nobody does it any more in Europe ( I stopped that tedious activity when my babies were born 25 years ago already ��)
    You know why we don't iron? Because we don't use environmentally disastrous driers that ruin and wrinkle fabrics. Wash and hang out on a foldable cloth rack (or a line if you have a garden in the summer). If you get around a perfect hanging technique (with clips that keep your garments hanging down straight as they dry out), they will turn out perfect and no wrinkles. Even better as the look will be natural instead if unnaturally pressed (so 60s ��).
    Hope this helps and leaves you with more time to let your mind wonder while maybe taking a walk instead.
