Thursday, May 23, 2019

Day Eight - Getting through it

I first started blogging in 2007.  I was about to leave for my first trip to India.  How it used to go when backpacking was that you had to find a payphone and you'd call your mom and you'd rack up hundreds of dollars in phone bills.  Or you'd write letters and postcards to loved ones whose addresses you kept tucked into a notebook somewhere in your pack.  By then everyone - or at least most people - had an email address.  And you had to search a little but you could find internet cafes and you'd pay too much and you'd write an email to each person.  Until you found out about group emails.  Then you did that.  That was the plan.  And I was about to leave for India and my friend said "hey, you should do a blog."

Here we are again.  I'm not leaving for India tomorrow. Or anywhere.  

The opposite, actually.

I am staying in.

And here is the update:
Each minute that I write this I get more and more tired.  Not the I had the best day of my life fall asleep hugging my pillow with a smile on my face kind of tired.  Its the I just want a bag of chips and to binge watch ANYTHING kind of tired. There has got to be a better way.  
Note to self -- write in morning.

The tiredness seeps in and takes over.

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