Tuesday, January 10, 2012

So chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self

We did a little impromptu conference on Sunday.  I was thinking it had been a few weeks and it is good to make a point to create a space for these kinds of things.  I thought there would be a couple of quick questions on a vinyasa or something.  Or some simple reassurance, something to bring the group together -- but of course, the topic was that NYT article (which probably did the same thing in a different way).  I hadn't read it, but little birdies told me it was going to be published and I thought to myself "oh, brother, another one of these."   So, yeah, I spoke about the HYP and talking about your practice with people that just don't get it, the difference between actual studies and anecdotes, a whole lot of other things, and finally, who cares?

One thing that I am realizing more and more is that not only do things repeat themselves over and over, they move in circles.  So it's like they have to be repeated or something, like that is just part of it. 

About being a circle, during conference I even mentioned that Eddie would do a response article that would probably be worth reading.  Later, I go on the internet and boom there it is.  And in it he wrote:

"When I saw the title of Broad’s article, the first thing that came to mind was Ice Cube’s old hip-hop song ‘Check Yo’ Self’ (‘You better check yo’self before you wreck yo’self’) – pretty good advice for the over-enthusiastic in yoga or any physical endeavor. I was going to post it, but it is so inappropriate, and the issue of injuries is too serious of an issue; I will not make light of anyone’s pain. But, searching out Ice Cube did lead me down the dark path of youtube, where I trolled through videos that filled me with a happy nostalgia for the rawness of youth – of early punk rock, and the passion and energy that was being expressed through so many amazing songs."

Hours later, I'm listening to the lunch hour flashback and what comes across on the local radio? 

So chickity-check yo self before you wreck yo self

It's like the Twilight Zone around here.

Being the sensation junkie(s) that I am(/we all are), I thought "I am so going to go home, read that article and write up some stuff about everything."  There seems to be a whole lot of heat around the internet about a lot of different things and I wanted to toast some marshmallows too.  But here's the thing that not everyone knows / wants to admit:  marshmallows are not vegetarian. 

So I didn't read it, I didn't write anything.  I tried to just chill out and let the heat melt away.  Not easy at all.  Hardly any sleep last night with my mind racing about too many things.

Up this morning and now writing this. 

Ah, the rawness of youth and those who for some reason have taken it upon themselves to rub salt in the wounds.  My response to the whole entire world is this: 

Check yo self before you wrickity-wreck yo self
No one really knows what is going on.  Do your practice (or get one) and read more (good) books!

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