Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Where have you gone?

craigslist mediabistro careerbuilder monster smuz idealist krop nyfa simplyhired job monkey nytimes classified vault bookjobs indeed

Resume cover letter functional resume writing test quick note informat cover letter online application salary.com compensation history company research

I have been looking for a job non-stop.

I got karandavasana in Sunday's led class. I am the one making the "thump" in the back of the room. It is the sound of my rump hitting the floor again and again and again.

I am watching and learning about people and relationships and growing everyday.

I am inspired by Sharath and Saraswati in conference, class, and thought.

I am so tired at 3:50 in the morning.

Obama won. Awesome.


  1. Nice to have a post! Have fun with karanda...

  2. Wow! You sound so grounded and at peace now! Congratulations on all the progress, at all levels; it is inspiring!

    And yes, yay for Obama! ;)

  3. what kind of job are you looking for? and are you coming back to new york?

  4. good luck with the job hunt m'dear

  5. js- i know i have been slacking! will do. i end up laughing and everyone around me too :)

    n-thanks! i really feel that way...

    a-not sure. something that pays money. thats a start! :) early dec.

    jr- cheers! is the bread ready?
