Wednesday, November 28, 2007

You just have to show up!

I remember going days without talking at all to my mysore teacher. Days. We just didn't need to say anything.
In Mysore, there are a few phrases that are on constant repeat. The first time you hear them, you laugh. The second time you hear them you think "wait a second!" Every time you hear them after that you laugh.
Right now I've got Sharath saying "don't be lazy" and John saying "you just have to show up". And I'm trying to show up. I really am.
I'm learning so much from home practice right now, and its not new poses or new things I didn't know I could do. Instead, I'm learning about motivation, procrastination, giving up, believing in yourself, not trying, and tricking myself into practice.
yoga is the cessation of the thinking mind. Then the seer can abide in its own true nature.

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