Wednesday, July 11, 2007

needs versus wants: prioritizing the to-do list for a three month journey to mysore

So, here I am with Kate making a blog instead of getting a calling card to get a car to pick me up from the airport....or reserving a place to stay. I think probably the fact that I arrive two days after I board the airplane makes me feel like I have lots of time to arrange such trivial matters. I think I'd rather watch a movie and enjoy a bath instead.

But it is a fact that I do leave tomorrow and I do still have a lot of stuff on the list to do.
Kate is eating vegan chocolate chip cookies and watching me type which is quite embarrassing, so I think that's it for today. I think a job well done for a first post!


  1. Congrats on suriving the trip!
    Stay safe, healthy and keep smiling. Have an incredible journey... p.s. enjoy the soak..

  2. it's always been one of my dreams to go to India..I'm sure i will enjoy your blog, many blessings on your trip!

  3. have a great trip. let me know if there's any way i can help.

  4. great to hear from you Elise,
    have an amazing trip,
    enjoy your time,
    and life the day.....
    i will follow you from Turkey,
    big kiss.

  5. jai ma, little devi :0) have a beautiful trip

  6. Hi!! Thanks for telling me about your blog...I can't wait to read about your experience!

    Your practice is so gorgeous and calm - I'll miss seeing you at the shala!


  7. Hello!
    My name is Roxanna. I work with your mother. I lived in India/Nepal for 1 year back in 1988-89. What an experience. I have lived and traveled throughout the world, but India was my most memorable experience. I am inspired by your practice of Yoga/meditation. It IS a way of life for sure. Take Care!
