Monday, July 7, 2008

24 Days Until India--what's a girl to do?

I have been slowly preparing for the trip. I thought I'd just have my essentials by now. Everything else cleared out and gone. This proved to be more challenging that expected. I suppose I work better with a deadline and under pressure. So with less than a month to go, the clock is in motion, the to do list is in my hand, it is time to get down to business. Now with the anticipation of the departure overriding the feelings of impending doom (what are we going to do? are you coming? etc.), it is a bit easier to make the piles and fill the garbage bags.

It is a little depressing--not the cleaning out part, the fact that a good majority of my stuff is garbage. I just want all my little memories to continue in the happy care of somebody and not a landfill.

To Do:
Cancel magazine subscriptions
Get all bills on auto pay
Get mail forwarded to another address
Organize finances
Purge house: sort through belongings (sell, trade, giveaway, garbage)
Cancel Netflix
Consolidate belongings
Reconnect/say goodbye to friends
See family
Get final paychecks
Return any borrowed items from library, friends, etc.
Have stoop sale
Put stuff on craigslist
Sell books to The Strand
Cook, bake, eat food!
Move out
Buy "India" clothes to have copied
Buy needed items for India


  1. "Buy "India" clothes to have copied"
    I'm intrigued by this... you mean, you take clothes you like and have them copied by tailors? Sounds like heaven to me.

  2. Wow, how exciting :) :) :)

    For how long are you staying there? I've been looking over your blog to try to find the answer, but couldn't :(

    I'm really looking forward to hearing your experiences from there (though I realize this is not your first time... sigh with good envy) :)

  3. actually, im not sure of the long as it takes i guess!

  4. why do you guys want to come to india and learn yoga.

    cant ya find a good yoga teacher at your place?

  5. Hi Elise
    That is a good list for anyone anticipating living outside the country for a while. Hope your toes are better. It now explains why QE2 in our shala always has her big toes wrapped. I see the skin peeling off in my toes as well for the same reason.

    I guess you'll be practicing with Krista soon.

