Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yoga--The Ultimate Health Tonic?

I just finished reading this funny little book called Yoga, Youth, and Reincarnation by Jess Stern. The author spends some time studying yoga (and all things hippie and new age) in Concord with his teacher, Marcia. He goes from absolute neophyte to adept shoulderstander and believer in the magical benefits of yoga practice. Among the claims of relief from aches and pains, increased energy, change of appetite, reduced stress levels, etc. are claims that his teacher hasn't been sick in years because of the yoga. Yoga is so great. Yadda. Yadda. Yadda.

I must be doing something wrong because I have had a cough that sounds like I was brought home from a kennel last Sunday. I threw out our moldy shower curtain, dusted furniture, cleaned floors, turned off the AC, broke out the neti pot, and gargled salt water. When I'm sick or injured, I always think about how I don't appreciate feeling healthy when there is nothing wrong. I make a little vow to myself that I'll savor every moment, but usually, a day or two passes before I realize that I am not sneezing green boogers every two seconds.


Mysore Musings--The Most Boring Blog in the World (cus it just don't go nowhere)


  1. Oh, I just read your blog and be sure I do not read boring blogs.

    Get well soon.
    Best wishes from me.


  2. I love your blog.

  3. Thanks guys. Hey Ursula, when will I see you in India?

  4. We, the faithful readers of this boring blog request a photo of Elise and Ursula in Mysore?
    Are we asking too much?

    Maybe we deserve it :-)

  5. Hi Elise, I am every day at Ganesh. You can leave a message there for me, I am sure Ganesh will forward it.

    I practice every day at the shala from 9 till a bit after 10. We can meet afterwards.

    Or we meet for lunch at Ganesh. I check my emails every day, so leave me a message. If you comment on my blog and if you write me your email address I will not publish your comment.

    I am looking forward to seeing you. What fun this is.

