Thursday, July 10, 2008

Gymnastics gymnastics gymnastics

The video that started it all (see 'I love gymnastics' post).

Another video.

That was fun.


  1. I find myself a bit obsessed with gymnastics too - and I find that a bit disturbing. Like, why is there this connection between gymnastics and Ashtanga? It's almost like Ashtanga's dark side is gymnastics or something like that? Not sure. Not sure I can even cop to this. But there it is.

  2. God, that little girl sobbing on the floor, trying to push her leg away! Reminds me of the torture devices my sister and I would rig up when she practiced gymnastics and I practiced ballet. We'd sit on each other in splits, I'd put my legs in the froggy position to force turn out and she would lay across my knees and force them to the ground. Or we'd practice 'plier' in the small space between the bed and the wall so that we couldn't cheat it. We'd each say to the other, 'don't let me out even if I ask you. Hold it for 2 minutes'--stuff like that.

    Well, is it bad to say this? Asana *is* gymnastics. It's all the rest of it that makes it yoga, isn't it?

  3. Fun?

    No, child abuse.

