Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Just a warning

Reading this or any blog could be constituted as a distraction.

Just thought you ought to be made aware of this.

I thought I might as well ask and please feel free to give your honest opinion...

Is this blog a bad thing? Should I take it down? Or make it private? Is it the antithesis of what I'm trying to do? Is it worth it?

I met a couple of people today who kindly told me that it was definitely a detriment to society. Is that how you feel too?

I'm not writing for anyone but myself. I hope that my family and friends can use it as a window into what I'm up to because sometimes it's hard for me to say what I mean in person and to keep up emails. And for those of you who have stumbled across, I hope you get something out if it too.

I await your responses.


  1. Hi! I love reading your thoughts about your practice (both life and yoga). Your way of capturing moments and feelings is beautiful, you have a talent for expressing yourself honestly... I've never met you, just happened to stumble upon your blog one day here on the other side of the world, and have loved checking in every now and then. We all go through the same things in our practice, and it's really nice to read about yours. Thank you for your writings, pls keep doing it, but only if you yourself want to do it! :)
    And have a great time in Mysore! :)

  2. well...you know that I am in for the long haul...always anticipating your next musings :0)!
    namaste and i am so happy that you are finally Back!

  3. I just found this blog and love it! Please don't stop writing. This blog is great and I have learned so much already. I am inspired by your practice, thoughts and interesting "musings." Hope you are enjoying your stay in Mysore.

  4. From one blog writer to another... "a detriment to society"?? Isn't that a little dramatic? Were they talking about yours specifically or just blog writing in general? I think it's okay as long as it doesn't distract you too much or stress you out. I've been to that point myself and thought about quitting. You can always take a break, that's what I do when necessary. It's just writing... don't let people make you feel weird because of their own hang ups. I'd love to hear more of why bloggers are hurting society so much. I've found it to be a great way to find community and to have fun. What's the detriment in that? Write on, sistah.

  5. i love reading your stuff in the same way i love reading what guy puts up online in the way of interviews with desikachar, norman allen, Tim, D. Wlliams, writings from ramana maharishi, etc. it's really interesting to me. and for me, being new, and given mysore astanga is such a quiet transmission from, at least, my teachers, it's nice to have places to read and discuss the practice. i know, classically we're supposed to be quiet :)

  6. I love your blog and I know I'm not the only one who it has inspired to try and stick with this difficult practice. Your humility and insight mean a lot to us!

  7. feh...tell the fundies that lots of things technically count as "distractions" - large crowds, movies, gossip, shiny objects, etc.

    Sharing your experiences is not the same thing as spreading secret tantric teachings. Keep writing (if you want to) and we'll keep reading!

  8. please don't stop...i love your blog.

  9. Don't stop writing - if you enjoy it keep on writing. Like all blogs, they are soap boxes for people to speak about their ideas and a way to really reflect on what they are doing. One doesn't have to tune in if they don't want to.

    Your musings are beautifully and simply stated with a level of honesty that many can only aspire to. Also, the simple fact that it's part of a larger community - albeit vaguely anonymous one - a community nevertheless.

  10. Did they expalin why they thought it was a "detriment to society?"


  11. you better not stop writing!
    <3 u

  12. I hope you never stop writing this blog! You express yourself beautifully, Elise. Where's the harm?

  13. You have a great "voice" - your blog is so much fun to read and I learn a lot about the practice. I'm a beginner but I'm excited to read your perspective. You are honest and insightful. Please continue. Lisa

  14. Hi, I'm a Fan. Your blog is a great resource, forum, and commnunity. I would be rather bummed if you quit, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. But its all up to you. It sounds like someone said something harsh about it, or about blogging in general. People can say harsh things without really knowing or intending their effects...maybe you just need a day or two to get some perspective. What triggered the doubting? Did it come from someone you know well and respect? Anyway, it is a normal, probably essential part of the creative process to question WHY. If we don't ask WHY every now and again, that's actually when we're engaging in mindless activity, I think.

  15. Some may be a distraction, but this one is nourishment.

  16. It is a distraction, but in a good sense. I love your blog and totally do not mind being distracted from whatever boring stuff I am doing. In addition, I have learned so much from your blog! Please, keep distracting us! :)

  17. Wow - people who tell a blogger that blogging is bad are being really really mean. I won't say they are mean people. But the action is MEAN. And small. And petty. And WRONG.

    Blog if you want. When you don't want to blog anymore, you can attribute it to personal growth, or to just plain being sick of it.

    But JEEZ. WHo the FUCK are they to tell you that blogging is the antichrist?

    FUCK them.

  18. A detriment to society, eh? People project all kinds of crazy stuff onto those who convey their honest thoughts. If the people you mention were truly bothered by your blog then they wouldn't have read enough of it to have formulated such a negative opinion.

    It's your own diary of your own ideas so only you should have any sort of direction over it. But my vote is to keep blogging.

  19. I love dramatic blogs. :-) Honestly! You are good writer and keen observer. Keep the blog if YOU want it… but write more about your impersonal observations of “small” things you noticed around you. Stay away of I done this, done that… Get rid of “I”, “me, “mine”, “myself”… Be OUR (your faithful readers) representative in Mysore, like a professional reporter. We love you.

  20. "detrimental to Society"!
    Society comes from the Latin societas, a "friendly association with others," from socius meaning "companion, associate, comrade or business partner. Implicit in the meaning of society is that its members share some mutual concern or interest, a common objective or common characteristics.
    How can it be detrimental to society, Elsie, your blog is the definition of Society. And rather than be a distraction I would consider it an excercise in mindfulness.
    I love your Blog. I've found it educational, entertaining, encouraging and given that I'm unlikely to make it to mysore, I feel that your bring a little bit of the Mysore experience to me/us. A blog is basically a Diary,can't imagine History without the diary as primary source and our sense of society without history.
    That said, sometimes my own blog is a bit of a distraction (thinking about it and what i'm going to write sometimes while I'm practicing)but mostly I find it gives me focus. All the best and every happiness whatever you chose to do.

  21. Oh Elise - I really enjoy reading your blog. And I think tht as long as you enjoy blogging, you should keep on doing it!

    People get way to serious about stuff I think! Life is to be enjoyed, and for me, and sounds like a lot of others, reading your blog is enjoyable, as well as informative.

    Do what you think is right, not what other people think you should do ... :)

  22. Your blog is fantastic. Please keep it alive.

  23. Your blog is original, fun and informative. It would be missed.

  24. hey you,

    well, I once had a blog for a long time and one day suddenly I decided to delete it. it was a political-grassroots-oriented blog, and when Bush got re-elected, it was almost a knee-jerk reaction which I kind of regretted. but after awhile I revived it and changed it to become a sketchbook, literally posting drawings and poems, and the change was nice actually...

    I think blogs are simply a form of expression, writing, and sharing it all rather than keeping it locked up in the bottom drawer of your dresser. sharing is good! and sharing your experiences of mysore are very inspiring and educational for many, many people.

    this comment is getting long, but I will say that there are plenty of distractions in the world. TV is a great example. How much TV does these critics of yours watch? TV is fun sometimes, but you're definitely not CREATING anything.

    I say keep it going. and don't be afraid to take a break or change it around a bit. but don't you dare delete it or I may have to fly over to Mysore and wag my finger at you!

    luv ya,


  25. I love reading your blog. I'm learning so much from you. PLEASE don't take it down. And if you go private PLEASE take me with you. But I hope you won't, since you are funny, witty, intelligent and insightful. It'd be a loss. Seriously.

  26. I don't know you but I do enjoy your blog and reading about your practice. A detriment to society is definitely overly dramatic, especially since anyone who reads it does so voluntarily. Hope you keep it up.

  27. Personally, I've struggled with this in the past. Do I go private? Do I stop writing altogether? But I always come back to this: I have found a group of loving, generous, amazing friends all over the world through my blog. I don't live in an area with a yoga community, so I am so thankful for the online community that I've become a part of through writing and reading. I have found much food for thought and insightful content on your blog, and I hope you keep writing!

  28. Hi. I love reading your blog!I make sure to check in every morning when I get into work. It gives me my daily boost of inspiration to keep going for the day. Your writing is so alive and reading about your experiences inspire me to keep going with my practice. I hope to get myself over to mysore soon, but for the meantime, i am living vicariously through you. Please don't stop!

  29. there are lots of schlocky blogs out there that should be deleted. yours is not one of them.

  30. what!? you've just embarked on part II of your mysore adventures, and you would be cruel enough to delete your blog just as your readers are getting into it!? no-sir-ee-bob, that ain't happening.

  31. I love your blog too! Please don't make it go away. If you make it private do you mind if random people who just found your blog through ashtangi.net still read it? I have also learned a lot from you and appreciate your insights on yoga and Ashtanga.

  32. Definitely don't take it down!
    I find your blog insprising, amusing, insightful and a really down to earth view of practice and daily life.
    Your words of wisdom have helped me through a recent tough practice period and I can definitely credit you with helping me come out the other side!
    I am looking forward to hearing about all of the adventures that you have now you are in mysore!!

  33. Well I think we've got a consensus.

    And I just want to say that Grimmly up there makes a perfect point.

  34. That's ridiculous, you can't stop. I so look forward to reading your musings! I'll miss you if you stop.

    :) Pam

  35. I love reading about your yoga journey even though we're complete strangers! I can identify with your yogi ups & downs. Please don't stop - whoever has made those comments probably doesn't follow blogs/ bloggers (with a tendency to be dramatic), or the way you've touched the 34 or so commenters before me. You are engaging and inspiring, I hope you keep blogging. x

  36. Sigh...who cares what those "kind" people think. You enjoy writing and we enjoy reading!

    "The antithesis of what I'm trying to do?"
    What are you trying to do? Isn't the goal to be joyful? Does blogging make you happy?

    "People today who kindly told me that it was definitely a detriment to society."
    People's criticisms are generally a reflection of themselves projected on others.

    This may seem harsh but since I'm an ashtangi too - honestly I find the majority to be self-absorbed and self-righteous; quick to criticize other for not being "yogic" or holy enough (like themselves - ha!)

    Elise follow your heart and do what makes you happy. I personally love your blog and would miss it.

  37. I completely agree with everyone here. I have always enjoyed your blog, find it very informative and a good read. Don't mind what that person said to you. Feck them! Your blog adds to the ashtanga community. In fact, I think that blogging has really helped create an ashtanga community. For people that don't have a shala to go to, or can't go to Mysore, blogging is a way of keeping in touch with other ashtangis. Of feeling part of it all. If you want to, keep on writing. I'd be sad to see you go. x

  38. A detriment to society!?!?! What the???? How do they figure that??

    Isn't it about expanding our community, getting more people into ashtanga, maybe even changing the vibe of our planet, little by little?

    The more we share this "jewel" - this practice; the better in my opinion. It can be thru books, video, classes, and yes even BLOGS. It's all good!

    What do these people suggest you do? Practice, study, chant and keep to yourself? That's fine for some, but you want to express yourself and share. That is YOUR path. Follow your bliss!

  39. Love your blog! Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but it's just an opinion at the end of the day. I think honest writing is very inspiring and healing for the the writer and readers. Without a community of Ashtangis in my area, it's the blogs which really keep me inspired to continue practicing.

  40. what they're getting at seems to me, to be less about society at large and more about yoga society, and the silence and secrecy that historically has followed it. like svatmarama says, c.3, v.9, hyp, "strive to keep them secret, as if they were a box of jewels. like sex with a respectable woman, don't talk about them to anyone." ?!

  41. i just stumbled across your blog a couple of weeks ago and have been deliciously gobbling it up ever since. this is the first blog i have ever read, subscribed to, and look forward to reading regularly.

    i really feel like i know you. you have such a wonderful way of writing, and such a wonderful lightness in how you view life. it would be such a shame to lose you.

    keep on blogging if you want to!!

  42. Elise,

    i can't say much that hasn't already been said. i love your blog, and look forward to reading about this mysore journey. but i can understand wanting to go private. some creepy folks made me decide to take my blog private, but really just for the safety of my kids, not for me.
    your writing it definitely an asset to the ashtanga community. DON'T GO AWAY!!!!

  43. I fucking love your blog. Sorry people have their panties in a bunch about it. I love how you write an dI love how you talk about yoga. You always give me food for thought. It's also a great window into Mysore. I would be disappointed if I didn't get you read your updates.

  44. Puh-lease!! Definitely keep writing. It always goes back to intention.


  45. Hi Elise
    If I'm going to contribute an answer, then you probably would anticipate what I would say - that I enjoy reading the blog. But you are probably seeking answers from the readers that don't de-lurk who you do not know. All of us fellow bloggers love your writing.

    If you go private, I would appreciate an invite. I think it's that you're also a teacher and as such have more visibility in the yoga community. So therefore what you say has more inpact with respect to yoga. I also think that if you go the path of spending oodles of time in Mysore, with the intent also of being authorized sometime, that might impact your decision about what you decide to write about here. I see wonderful writings from teachers around the country. But not all teachers write. I wonder, because I don't know, but do any senior teachers or even The Family make any mention in favor or against blogging? I don't see that they would, unless you were misrepresenting something, which you're not.

    I get concerned when people say that they feel their blogs are being monitored by shalas. That is just bizarre.


  46. Hi Elise
    I wrote a lengthy response and Blogger ate it. hehe. Keep writing. Who is insinuating the things you talk about? Shala owners, family or teachers? Do the teachers ever discuss blogs (in favor or against) in Mysore? I don't see the point of paying attention to the criticism.

  47. Please keep on writing and keep on writing as you are... be personal if you want to be, feel like it... or be otherwise...does not matter. an honest account of your experiences... it is lovely... keep on writing...

  48. Hi Elise
    For some reason, blogger has eaten two of my comments from yesterday, each progressively shorter. In summary, keep writing. Who is suggesting you don't? Shala owners, teachers, family members? Do senior teachers really think blogging is wrong? I would be curious to know who would have expressed such a negative opinion. Blogging is just a form of expression, of building community and being creative.

  49. that's utterly ridiculous.

    you can't stop.
    i so look forward to reading your blog before i shut the light.
    and you help so many people's practice via your musings.


  50. sorry it took me a minute to respond. i just need a couple of days to myself I think. there is a lot to process, but i'll keep writing. thanks :)

  51. Heh? Detriment?

    You helped me come to Mysore....taught me most of what I now know (I am here now....) about the place and prepared me for it. It would have been harder without some of your down to earth tips and past stories.

    Keep it up.
    Carol in Mysore

  52. Elise,

    Girl how dare you even question for one second to ever stop writing your blog - remember our conversation - big egos equals little brains....bump those particular individuals and remember, next time you look at them pretend they are naked and definitely didn't receive blessings down south :)

    from one blogger to another - chin up and fingers busy woman...you got a whole world to speak out to

  53. Elise,

    How dare you even question for one second if you should stop writing your blog? Remember our conversation - big egos equal little brains my dear - next time you see these two particular individuals imagine they are naked and they definitely did not receive blessings down south ;)

    From one blogger to another, chin up and fingers busy - you have a whole world to touch with your words my friend!

    Om Shanti

  54. No don't leave this blog, it's great. Your ability to capture a moment in space is the gift you give.
