Sunday, August 10, 2008

Scooty's are for girls

So I have a Kinetic.

"You have licence?"
"Oh yes, international."
"But you are riding?"
"First time."
Head wobble/smile.
Head wobble/smile.
"Okay okay--tomorrow."
Head wobble/smile.
Head wobble/smile.
Done and done.

It is a little bulky, a little old, a little toy-like, but I'm having fun. So far, me and the Kinetic have had an oil infusion, a visit to the mechanic, new spark plugs, a couple of kick starts, an unreliable gas gauge, and a finicky start button. I feel like I'll be an expert soon enough. Plus I think I have an extra advantage considering I got my crash course in Indian scooter driving from an Indian. "So when do I honk again?" I ask over and over. "Whenever anything is moving?"

It isn't so easy learning how to ride with a passenger. It makes it much more challenging for the beginner to balance the weight. "Do not get a motorcycle," my teacher tells me. "I can tell you that 100% you will fall." One has to appreciate the honesty. And here I am almost a week later wondering how I managed to ever do without. The fun part? It is easier to balance the faster you go...


  1. That's the beauty of riding a pair of gyroscopes -- the faster you go, the more stable you become.

  2. Laughing out loud reading this post! (Though I´m not really sure I understood it all) The person renting the bike to you actually advised you to wear a helmet??

    Anyways, I like that Head Wobble/Smile part, I´ts such a funny gesture to me, as it seems to mean doubt but it doesn´t.

    About honking - I thought when I visitede India and was riding with some friends that - Honk once to say: Here I come! Honk twice to say: Move to the side, I´m gonna pass you! and honk three times to say: I´m faster than you so get out of my way! ;-)

    Stay safe!
