Monday, August 4, 2008

Shipwrecked part 2

[I'm the rag doll and India is the person.]

"I love you wake up!" Huh huh what? I heard that. My eyes open.

[How it actually happened.]

John and I are standing in front of across-the-park-house-number-one negotiating a room price with the owner. That's when the landlady's not so nice German Shepard jumped o to the fence, wiggled part way through, and bit me on my arm. "Your dog just bit me!" She smiles and wags her head "you wash".

The other time was when on my way to practice I heard some leaves on the side of the road rustle. I looked expecting a bird and instead saw the cutest tiniest stumbliest puppy in the whole world. (Really, it was that cute.) I mentally calculated my estimated time in India, what I projected for the next 5-10 years and had enough self knowledge to turn around and continue down the road to the shala. Five hours later I'm sitting at the coconut stand when I notice that same puppy in the arms of a small boy walking along side his plastic bag collecting family and I smile.

Okay okay I'm here.


  1. crazy puppy! at least it wasn't an ocecat or a coconut lion. however, i think, just to be safe, i might bring my entire wardrobe(one shirt and pants) of Adventure Cloth for protection to mysoru next month. love your postses!!

    p.s. let me know if you need any Adventure Cloth outfits. i'll bring you some :)

  2. Elise, you sure do some good blogging, real writerly. I sure do enjoy it.

    yeehaw, I don't know why I'm talking like a cowgirl today.
