Monday, June 9, 2008

Jedi Mind Tricks aka "Seduce Your Knee" aka Iyengar for Ashtanga People

I'm standing with one leg bent and my foot perched on a bench.  Cory sits, stroking and cooing at my knee, as she repeats "you must seduce your knee... no you are willing it!  Seduce it, seduce it..."  I twist my face in agony as I try with everything in me to figure out the difference between "seducing" and "willing" my knee.  "This is easy for men," she says.  "For women it is very hard."  She smiles.  I laugh.  

"Seducing my knee" says she, is the secret for my pasasana.  It is the saving grace to my tendency toward knock-knee inheritance and another hurdle on the path to working on my samskaras.

Guy says it isn't a twist.  "What is it then?"  I ask.  A standing pose? A balance?  What is it?  "Maybe a hanging pose," he laughs.  I frown. [A noose--ha!] Does defining the category of the pose get my heels closer to the floor?

"You have to hold your bandhas and then lower down slowly," Petra tells me before she gracefully lowers her seat to her heels.  "Now you try."  I fall over.  

"It takes one year to get the heels down," 'A' tells me.  Is this a metaphor?

The perfect end to this would be a multifaceted experience where I pull all this info together into a "perfect" pasasana and post the picture below.  A testament to my hard work, determination, and practice.

Maybe tomorrow.  

But you know, I couldn't even hold the pasasana minus the twist a year ago and now I can.  I couldn't take a loose bind and lift my butt until my heels go down and now I can.  I couldn't confidently bind and hang out (even if I'm on my toes) and now I can.  And after being told to "seduce" my knee on Saturday, I melted down to my heels on Sunday (minus the bind but it is coming).  Thanks Cory!


  1. What a cute way to look at the knee situation in pasasana! It's so great to be able to look back and really appreciate how far you've come, isn't it? My first attempts at pasasana were so pathetic I'm surprised I was even allowed to try. I had a little bitty teacher at the time, and he cranked and pulled and wrapped his boyish body around me to get me into it. I thought, "no way will I EVER do this on my own". now? no prob. Not picture perfect, but it's mine! I own you pasasana!
