Monday, June 16, 2008

Let a smile be your umbrella, cherry pie tastes good, and other Twin Peaks moments

Neck deep in a Twin Peaks "Gold Edition" Marathon.  Birthdays, "Hallmark" holidays, and abnormally high weather, practice and Twin Peaks punctuate the days.  About six weeks until Mysore.  Training my replacements, reading ads to replace me, talk of my life without me.  Taking a deep breath before making that "must do, seriously" list.  

But first, the Log Lady:
The heart...
It is a physical organ we all know.
But how much more an emotional organ?
This we also know.
Love--like blood--flows from the heart.
Are love and blood related?
Does a heart pump blood as it pumps love?
Is love the blood of the universe?


  1. that's a great thing to watch... be sure you hang in until the end - trust me!

  2. we were thinking of getting together and watching "fire walk with me" sometime soon if you are interested. but you have to come while you're still in karavandasana

  3. uh, yeah, not sure thats physically possible at the moment!
