Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mr. Sandman

I woke up, looked around, realized I was lying on my mat, hoped that I hadn't said anything out loud, and remembered that old saying about savasana.  I suppose technically, it is "resting", but still, it isn't "sleeping".  If you are falling asleep during this time of repose, you need to get more sleep.  

I don't know how other people do it.  Whoopi Goldberg, on the View yesterday, mentioned how she gets something like 4 hours of sleep per night.  And with yoga, aren't you supposed to slowly be able to whittle your way to 3 hours?  

I wonder what time Sharath goes to bed.  If I remember correctly, I heard somewhere that he and Guruji would get up at 2 and have coffee and practice before teaching.  I wonder what the opinion is on naps?  Is there a siesta in India?  I know I certainly got into the habit, waking up at 3:30am at all.  But for some reason, it just doesn't fit into my lifestyle on the eastern seaboard.

I am certainly looking forward to the extra hour tomorrow morning and a primary practice.  My body feels so tired right now.  Although, I've noticed that practice has been opening up in some interesting ways ever since my last practice audit.  I noticed it the most in kapotasana. My torso felt so much more round than before.  

I think I'm noticing that when I am tired, I eat more because somewhere I am convinced that it  gives me the energy I need to get through the day.  Why can't I just convince myself to take a nap?


  1. Yeah, I've been wondering about their bed time as well, when I read in the AYRI website that Sharath wakes up at 2am to assist Guruji. Do you think they get at least 6 hours of sleep? I hope so.

    What is interesting is that they would have coffee before practice. I had read that drinking--even water--was not recommended. In terms of what to drink I would have expected them to stick to tea, while coffee would be off-bounds. It's great to know it's not, because I love it and I have a really tough time quitting it... but this is still a real surprise.

  2. I had no idea that you are supposed to be able to get down to 3 hours sleep with yoga... is this written down somewhere... How amazing would that be?

  3. how about 3x3. I like to get 9 hours of sleep. No kidding. The getting down to 3 hours of sleep is bullshit. If it's really what a person's body can deal with and still be healthy, alert, and functioning okay, then great... I would love to have more time in the day, but to force myself to do something that extreme just seems... extreme. Whoopi is cool, but she kind of looks like she could use some more zzzzzz's!

  4. wish i could remember where I read that. could just be some anecdotal evidence I've heard over the years...

    you know I would have thought so too. being as it is a stimulant and all. but if you think of the three gunas rajas, tamas, sattva, and how we are trying to get to sattva, some people have too much tamas and need some fire, so they drink coffee. others have too much rajas so they don't...? *shrug*

  5. Hi Elise
    To wake up at 3:30 I would have to go to bed around 8:30 or 9:00 the night before. It's possible S. and G. need less than 7:00 hours of sleep daily. I can see going on 4 only if you're doing a lot of meditation to get rest otherwise.
