Monday, March 24, 2008

Eka Pada Video

I know that many people have trouble with leg-behind-the-head poses. I usually do a warm-up before hand. Here is a video of my teacher and I warming up before practice this morning:

Just kidding!
This is a Tripsichore Yoga Performance with Edward Clark :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The music makes it seem vaguely like a porn video...

  3. I caught this minutes before leaving for class... HILARIOUS!!! I love the music- especially in the beginning when it's all dramatic while he's in handstand and does a sort of splits like thing in the air. I think you need to put a soundtrack to your videos. I have more to say on other posts but have to leave so I can put my own leg behind my head (sans shirtless, stringy-haired guy hovering over me).

  4. I know this is so funny! I love when he does spontaneous frolicking. Imagine your ashtanga teacher dancing around class like he/she were in the Nutcracker? Ha!

  5. I loved it when he jumped into bakasana and then hopped around, that was great. Just when I thought she was getting outta eka pada, there she goes again. I wonder how long it took for them to get this “piece” together. Fun, fun, fun.

    Happy Practicing.

  6. Very funny, Elise!

    Wow. She did a handstand with the leg behind her head :O

    He did some wicked adjustments on her :D

  7. just found out that this chick has spent quite some time in mysore. of course! only an ashtangi could do that ;)

  8. hi Elise
    That is amazingly beautiful. Thanks for tuning us to it. However, how does she find balance, since she is performing everything with one leg behind the head all of the time? I watched it half way. Maybe she changes legs afterwards. Him doing mayurasana while balancing on her - wow.
    cheers, arturo
