Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tittibhasana - A User's Manual

"Be careful what you wish for."
These are the words my teacher says to me with a smile as I stand there after practice, still shaking. Today I got Tittibhasana.

Now this is one of those poses (or clusters of poses, really) that I never EVER really thought I would be doing. I mean, there is always the fantasy of me floating through the air in fifth series postures, but I know that they aren't ever going to happen--except they did today.

I hung out in yoganidrasana as long as possible. Just breathing, hoping I don't know, maybe to hide? Yesterday Guy said that I'd get Tittibhasana today. "No new poses on Tuesdays," he laughs. All day I was thinking to myself how he is crazy and there is no way that that is ever going to happen. At the same time, he gives poses out about as frequently as Sharath, so if you get a pose, you know you are ready for it. Still, I was convinced I might break in half this time.

So there I am in yoganidrasana. I didn't get an adjustment, so I figured I might slip by. I did chakrasana, took a few breaths in downdog and then I heard it, "jump your legs around your arms." Its funny how you always know when your teacher is talking to you, even if it is across the room.
1.) How to jump legs around arms so they land high? I can jump them, but I feel like I can't get my arms deep enough under my thighs. Maybe I should just jump to handstand and then lower down from a straddle on Sunday. Yes, that's what I'll do, no problem.

5 breaths here in Tittibhasana (with pointed toes), then swing legs to the floor around hands.

2.) Feet were too wide apart. They need to be pretty close in to the hands. Maybe squeeze thighs together a bit more?

Then lock hands behind waist and look to navel without falling over. Don't know if my legs were straight. There was just so much going on. And I was laughing involuntarily almost the entire time. 5 breaths here. Then walk.

3. Figuring out how to walk was pretty challenging. The first steps were not steps at all, just little shuffles. Then, I got a momentum. Inhale step right exhale step left. My fingernails were digging into my fingers. My thighs were burning. 5 breaths later, I have to now walk backwards. By this time, I can feel the blood rushing to my thighs. I can feel them turning into jelly. I am struggling to recall the last time I was working this hard. I am covered in sweat. I think I lose my grip and come up for air. I say something like "oh my god!" And then dive back in to finish walking back. I can feel the whole class watching me, I feel like I'm giving childbirth I'm making so much noise. I complete 5 breaths and Guy says, "One more!". I huff and puff and take one more right and left step back. Then the feet come together. I stand up for air. My legs are useless at this point.

4. Saving enough energy to bring heels together, interlace hands around tops of feet, look to navel, AND not fall over. 5 very quick breaths and faith in a teacher later, titibasana. I sigh heavily, probably say, "THANK YOU!" again. I rock back onto my hands, lift my feet, struggle to lift my jello legs, bakasana, jump back. "Next time 5 breaths tittibhasana and bakasana and then jump back". I look at him and say, "That was so hard! You got me this time! I had no idea!" He just smiles. I lie down with all circuits firing. The rest is a blur in the wake of tittibhasana. Back bending, finishing, resting.
I never really thought I'd be doing leg behind the head stuff with confidence, but it is true, just a few weeks later and my neck is a million times stronger. After the initial shock wheres off, my muscles and mind will remember that these poses are possible. Slowly slowly.
Be careful what you wish for.
David Williams is in town for a weekend workshop. I've got a pass for the first night's talk which is not to be missed (and a bit of chat time for the magazine). This is also during the time I am supposed to teach a brand new class. What to do? Sub it out and make a totally bad impression? Teach it and miss out on meeting a legend? What to do?

Oh, youtube, how I love you! This is a video I found on youtube posted by ashtangaboi. Enjoy!


  1. Congratulations! That's awesome. Tittibhasana will seem less disorienting tomorrow.

  2. Thanks! I think you're right.

    The first time with many poses is a trip! First time in supta kurmasana, arms through in garba pindasana, chin to the floor in baddha konasana, foot to the floor in supta padangustasana, setu bandasana, drop backs, etc.

    I'm just happy tomorrow is primary day. I think I could use a couple of days to process this :)

  3. I say sub the class out and see David Williams. Its a chance of a lifetime.
    Have you seen this site?

    lots of good practice vids.

  4. I agree, see David Willaims. Also, Congrats and welcome to the sequence. It too becomes easier and you will truly value yogi nidrasana. You are getting close to Pincha M and I still am waiting to read tips about the vinyasa outta that one. I am getting closer with arm movement!

    Happy Practicing

  5. That pose looks like a lot of fun - much easier for me than Kapotasana.

    Hey - when is Guy teaching? It doesn't say on the website. I want to practice with him now and then, and I can't figure out when he's teaching!

  6. hi, I found your blog while wasting time in the middle of the night- you know, one blog leads to another and so on. I was happy to see the video you posted because I'm having a hard time jumping high enough on the backs of my legs in the first part of tittibhasana too. I look much more like the woman in the video (who is, from all the other stuff I've seen her do, a total bad ass- but who can compete with that dude?). Looks like he nearly goes into a in-the-air version of kurmasana. no problem, right? Good luck with 2nd, look out- it's addictive even when it's crazy hard. Sounds like you're off to an excellent start. - Liz

  7. Thanks everyone!

    I am SO sore this morning. The commute this morning has been agony--all those subway stairs ah!

    Couldn't find a sub for the class, but I'm going to teach only for an hour and skip out early and arrive a bit late for David, but I'll be there. SO EXCITED :) Such a coincidence. This video is from their youtube page!

    Not sure when I'll be able to contribute to the pincha dialogue, but trying to get mentally prepared now...

    Guy is teaching the two early morning sessions with Lori at the last session and in the evening. Tanya is teaching too, but I'm not sure when.

    I know, I look like the chick too. But hey, that's all good. like you said, she's pretty fierce!

    will report back on the workshop...

  8. Congrats on tittibhasana! But I gotta say, I must be a wimp, cos months later, and it still leaves me in a heap afterwards. Thighs burning, then turn into jelly. I usually want to curl up on the floor afterwards, wimpering. But like I said, I'm a wimp! And LBH poses are super tough for me. And if possible, any posting on David Williams much appreciated. He's never made it over to this part of this world, but I love what I hear about him.

  9. Elise, I was right next to you, and you did it amazingly well the first time around. I was impressed.
