Thursday, March 20, 2008

Full vinyasa sucks

As promised, I practiced full vinyasa, full primary today. I'm still trying to get the taste out of my mouth. Okay, maybe that is a bit dramatic.

It was not fun. I didn't do full vinyasa for standing or finishing, just seated postures, and it was such a bummer! I don't know what happened, but slowly I became angry and agitated. Was it the variation of something so comfortable? Was it standing up when I'm used to be being so low down? I'd probably have to give it a few more goes to figure out. But for now, I've decided if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

My friend told me that for her, it feels like coming up out of the pool. She feels refreshed, balanced, and bandha strong. For me, it felt more like coming out of a warm bath when I really don't want to. I did feel balanced and it was interesting to observe how each chaturanga was really something of its own, rather than a long slur of a vinyasa. My bandhas were stronger (somewhat) toward the end, but it all just felt unnecessary and morale was low. I thought I'd probably have a much more open back for back bending, but that wasn't so. I was, however, more lengthy than I can ever remember being in my hamstrings.

The verdict: I'll stick to my good old half vinyasa primary, thanks!


  1. he he. that's a funny line for a post, elise. i only have experienced these at LM's workshops. he says it has helped him, but in reality even he admits that he only does it as part of a workshop. he also recommends that you don't go to a senior teacher or the family and announce that you're planning to do the fully vinyasa, since it will get you in trouble (they won't let you.)

    three years ago, when krista, whom you met in Myosore, and some others of us were practicing together, we did these for a while. they're really tiring.

    cheers, arturo

  2. Your friend puts it in a very good way, thats exactely how I feel when I practice full vinyasa

  3. a- its true. someone was doing full vinyasa last time I was in mysore and that was quickly put to a stop. that said, a senior teacher had my firned doing full vinyasa so who knows.

    s- I can understand that. she says it also help her backbends. we talked about it more and she mentioned also how it is great to break up the linear, one-planed primary by standing up. Otherwise it is so closed and down down down. I can see that too.
