Monday, March 3, 2008

Sick? No fever = practice!

The consensus seems to be: no fever equals practice. Since I look to my ashtanga practice as my medicine, I figure I should follow what the instructions on the bottle say... But, I also told myself that it I really felt like shit this morning (fever or not), I would rest, as I don't want this dragging on for weeks.
When my alarm went off, I did a little "check in" with my body. Vital signs good. Heavy congestion. Diagnosis? Hit snooze and move slow. Seven minutes later, I am convinced that although sleepy, I am feeling better and only congested. I take a shower. I do neti. Some yellow boogers and blood-speckled phlegm later, I eat some chywanaprash. By this point, I'm feeling okay. I bundle up and head out the door.

It is a nice day outside, and at 6:30am, it is getting lighter. About halfway to the subway I get dizzy and realize what the @#$% am I doing out of bed? But can't seem to turn my feet around. Too much effort to change mind. Get to subway station. Hips hurt. Wait for train slumped in a seat. Debating whether or not to call a cab. Train comes. Get on. Reassure self that it is okay. Take bus to shala. Walk through park. Wondering what to practice. Second only? Modified? Not really caring either way. Feeling like I'm sitting inside an egg shell, looking at the world through a lens. Get inside. Feeling ok.

I'm late, but don't really mind as I'm not concerned with getting a new pose or adjustments. Start sun salutes and really get into it. My breathing was so comforting. It was like soft pillow breathing. At Trikonasana, teacher tells me to just do primary. Awesome. Went slow, full, deep breathing, got really sweet adjustments, it was such a soothing, soft, pillowy practice. Back bends were shit, but didn't expect much anyway. Felt good to just take it easy. Relieved that I didn't practice second. All the back bending? Yipes! I'm used to primary. It doesn't really shock my body like it used to. Now, it is like an old friend, a security blanket, my favorite food. My body knows what is coming, and invites it in. Second is getting there, slowly. There are some points, however, where a joint feels gummy, and I've got to breathe through and my nerves are all firing at once. That's why I'm relieved I didn't practice that today. Being sick, I've got that feeling already. My spine, the back of my neck, my shoulders, my right elbow, my hip, my knees, all gummy and achy.

I didn't even break a sweat. I got up and rolled up my mat like I had a good soak in the tub. Bundled myself up, headed out still congested, but feeling better. Yoga magic!

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