Saturday, October 18, 2008

Back to black

I've been dragging myself to practice and when I get like that, it transcends to all parts of my life. I drag myself to the blog, to errands, maybe to friends but probably not. Why the bad mood.? A combination of things but mostly because I get really optimistic and enthusiastic about things and the second that someone doubts them I get really upset and fall over. It is the same reason I decided to change from an art degree to art history. I can paint etc. but I really really can't take the critiques. I realize this is something I need to work on and it isn't always an issue but sometimes it really gets under my skin and I can't think straight.

But it passes.

And it is amazing to watch how crazy we all are.


  1. Ahh... You leave me with a quandary I want to criticise you but now I'm afraid to !!

