Sunday, October 26, 2008

Karandavasana is coming and practice guidelines for girls




Just some things in the back of my mind...(karandavasana is the next pose in second series.)

The thing is, women aren't really expected to come up from Karandavasana. The rare exception is just that--a rare exception. People say that you have to have really strong bandhas (which is probably one of the places where "bandhas like a man" came from). This implies that men have stronger bandhas than women. This bothers me very much. But what if it is true? What if we really do have different bodies and different capabilities and different practices?

Yesterday in conference, somehow the class got on to the subject of nauli kriya. In nauli kriya, one pulls the belly in and does a crazy sideways rippling massage thing.

Nauli kriya is supposed to be good for toning the digestive system and for improving the bandhas...however, Sharath said that if women want to have babies, they should never do it. Oops.

So, it seems there is a men's and women's practice.


  1. I'm sure there are all kinds of things he thinks women shouldn't/couldn't do.
    In Saraswati's recent interview (on Guy's website), she basically says, with some room for exceptions, women really only need the primary series. And to give birth.

    Who knows?

  2. Thanks for the article info- I sent the link (Guy's site) over to Angie (aka:Owl) because she's been writing a lot about women and 3rd series. Interesting stuff.
    I think since Saraswati is coming from a different generation and a different culture, her views might be interpreted as a little old fashioned by the newer generation of Western female practitioners. Doesn't mean she's wrong- just different life, different perspective. I find it very intriguing.
    Thanks for keeping this journal, it's been fun to keep up with you. I think the return home (whenever that may happen), may be even more interesting.

  3. Great post, thank you! that was inspiring. I'm like the girl in the last clip right now.. About nauli, I just don't get how it could be damaging. I think if you want to have babies, don't practise so much your periods stop, otherwise go for it... but what do I know.

    Also, Russell is hot.. what a sweet face :)

  4. Ahh, very interesting info regarding women. Lately, here in NYC we've noticed that many of the ashtanginis who have given birth recently have had to have C sections & have had very long labor. I also noted that most of them were hovering around age 40. Perhaps it's a combo of the 2...who knows?

  5. d- that's funny.

    l- always!

    s- I have this image of the uterus being this plump jellyfish that I just squished between my fingers and all the goo comes out and it turns into this little shriveled filmy raisin. But maybe not.

    s-also don't a lot of women opt for the c section in NY?
