Sunday, September 7, 2008

More lessons from the monsoon--when it rains, it pours

Oh my god what is that?
I'm leaning over my friend's toe with a "sterilized" needle digging in an open wound.
I think that's glass!
I get the little needle under the glass (or possibly clear plastic) and behind the flap of skin, straight into the pink gooey open wound toe flesh and out it pops.
There is a reason why you don't see anyone driving when it rains. She was riding home full speed ahead to get less wet I suppose. She knew there was a speed bump before the chip man and after the sweet stall. But this time she forgot. She hit the breaks and kept her hand on the accelerator and this time the mix of the wet earth with loose dirt sent the bike skidding and her flying. People came out from under their monsoon shelters.
Madam Madam are you okay?
She got up quickly (anyone read the bit on car accidents in Shantaram?) brushed off and got back on the bike.
Yes I'm okay I'm fine.
She looked down as she revved up and saw the blood running down her arms. But this one is a strong, independent woman, who didn't cry until hours later when applying the burning antiseptic powder to the open wounds. White powder all over the room and she cried.

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