Saturday, September 20, 2008

Before Sunrise

the sex and the city movie was ridiculous.
I'm spending more time at the southern star hotel eating than swimming.
the bf leaves tomorrow and we're enjoying our time together.
first day back to practice since Wednesday and it was the led second.
feeling surprisingly comfortable in class like it's just me and my mat.
when I was doing my drop backs, I thought I heard Sharath say "Elise, chakra bandhasana!" But didn't believe it because he was in the middle of leading the led second series class. Also because that would mean doing it on my own. Also because I've never heard him call "ankle grabbing" anything. so i didn't do it. and now I'm home on the internet and seeing that he was talking to me.
off to meet the bf at the southern star for breakfast.


  1. i had a dream that i took a yoga class and you were my teacher. the room was packed like sardines. hmm. wonder what it all means.

  2. either i should really teach
    you should really go to yoga
    we should all eat sardines?

  3. elise (and others who read this blog), i'm auditing this YW teacher training and they are all about not getting hurt and sequencing and it is really confusing to me, esp. bc i went straight into ashtanga w/out experiencing "vinyasa" first. i don't like how the "sequence" makes it about the teacher rather than the student... so i am wondering, are there ANY books out there which explain why the sequence in ashtanga is the way that it is? i am finding that i dislike the need to sequence, but i have no way to DEFEND my own sequence. i.e. they say, do externally rotated poses first b/c those are easier etc. (i.e. they give physical reasons for having the poses come in the order that they do)!

  4. i started with vinyasa and was overwhelmed by the idea of the "correct" sequence. That's when I found ashtanga. i'm not sure about a books that break down the why's. anyone?
