Tuesday, September 9, 2008

On being divided

I love that this is starting right where I left off in February--eka pada sirsasana and the second series split.

"How do you feel now that you're divided?" Ewa asks Mauricio over spilled fruit salad at Tina's. Mauricio is what I now call my "practice twin". I practiced next to him in a led primary series class a few weeks ago and it was so funny because we had all the same little nuances and practice styles. Olivia said it was like watching the boy and girl version of the same practice (nice drishtis Olivia). Afterwards we both admitted that the energy practicing next to each other was really strong. To be corny, it was like a horse being released to the wild and running with the wild pack naturally or something else really ridiculous. We vowed to practice next to each other in the led classes from that day forth but it hasn't happened. We aren't ever there at the same time so we promise each time that next class will be the day.

And even though last Friday we were practicing at different corners of the classroom, like twins, we both got "the split" the very same day. Saturday we had off to think about what was coming, and on Sunday at 6:15 am we had our first second series led class. (Search "led second series" on my MysoreMusings blog to see my thoughts last year on this event--it is funny!) I was so nervous because many people sit in the doorway to watch. I remained a little nervous and shaky for awhile and then finally started to let go and have fun. Sharath stopped both Mauricio and myself at Eka Pada Sirsasana and told us to "go back" which I learned means to take our mats to the back of the class and start finishing postures.

This is day four of second series only and it feels strange. My shoulders are tired. I feel heavy. My back muscles are sore. I'm shaky. I have bursts of energy and emotions followed by irritability, hunger, and naps. I feel really flexible some days while others I feel very tight. I think Ewa got it right--how does it feel being divided?

But I don't think it is just the yoga. I have a new practice time that I'm getting used to--4:45am. This means I'm up by about 3:15am--fun! Saturdays I get to sleep in though and Sunday's class is at 6:15 so I'm up by 5:15. Except that this Saturday I think I'm going to be up just as early as the roommates and I are planning a trip to Bandipur to go on a safari! Apparently elephant sighting are guaranteed...I'm getting used to being in India, of course, and my new apartment and roommates. I'm getting used to my boyfriend being here. I'm feeling like ladies' holiday is around the corner and that is throwing the whole mix to a new level of discomfort.

In other news, ex-evil landlady surprises yoga student with -- what's the word? -- generosity? Honestly? Non-greed? Me and the bf rode down to the old house and I rapped on the mail box while their evil little mutt glowered at me. Mrs. Bhat waddles out wrapped in her "house sari" with a surprising smile and kind eyes. I tell her I'm just here to pay for the laundry and I'm sorry I forgot and that I was giving extra for that and because the house cleaner also washed some of my "double occupancy" occupant's clothes. I gave her 350rs. She handed me 150 back and said that she (the house cleaner) had only asked for 50rs extra. I was stunned. And the package did not arrive at their house but she agreed to leave it with Anu and Ganesh (they run the internet cafe/restaurant down the road and are apparently good friends with the Bhats--go figure). But as the package was sent on the 18th and was supposed to arrive in 7-10, I'm obliged to begin some unwanted detective work. Dealing with the local Greenpoint, Brooklyn postal service is hell on earth, but this--this is being stuck in the black lodge on Twin Peaks. Wish me luck!


  1. Ahh...tell the other half I said hello. I feel divided these days as well...sharing my soul with this parasite in my gut. Oy.

    Love you love you

  2. will do.
    you're way more divided than me!

