Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The unanswered questions

What the world really wants to know.

I just installed this new stat counter that does keyword analysis. The things that people search for are very interesting. Here are some of the latest and my best answers...

cave swami chamundi: Used to be a journalist, I think, before renouncing and becoming a swami. Now he lives in a cave at Chamundi Hill. Many students go to him to learn chanting (I've heard). Here's my experience with him: Chamundi Hill

nuno ashtanga: The two Nunos I know are both from Portugal and are both ashtanga teachers. One of the Nunos is currently assisting Tomas Zorzo in Spain and has a blog (Nuno's blog). The other Nuno is teaching in Portugal.

undergarments shop in mysore: I think there is a jockey store...better to bring your own.

hands behind waist: what could this possibly be referring to?

back pain iyengar yoga: yes?

can women eat chyawanprash: dear god I hope so!

dehli belly: sucks. pack grapefruit seed extract and wormwood.

triphala dreams: constipated?

tips for vinyasa jump back: good question. will think of good answer.

ajay ashtanga mysore:

should when you are sick yoga: yes, unless fever.

pneumonia in mysore: would suck.

dark mark on my chin: I bet its from jumping back from pincha!



  1. Hey..here is one...how is Alex? Someone mentioned something her to me in what was kind of an alarming (to me) context, but I am not sure what it was all about, because we were at an Ashtangi's baby shower (an Eddie student), and all conversations were interupted at the rate of once per five seconds. (Um, think Ashangis talk enough?)

    Please let me know, even if by email, if all is well with her...

  2. Thanks for posting the Ajay piece, I hadn't seen that before.

    Interesting searches on your blog!

  3. It is so cute right? :)

    YC-she's great! she's assisting Guy right now...
