Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Constant "asana-ing"

Yesterday's Post:
I'm locking up my bike after riding home from a class with no students and I'm thinking, "what the hell am I doing?" Am I really one of those crazy, hippie, new age weirdos that walks away from "rational" life choices, straight into the chaos of an open-ended trip to who knows what end? Part of me keeps saying that I am testing the limits. I am seeing how far I can get from ...

Didn't finish it. Day turned out to be too busy. Anyway, on to today!

I'm sitting on my heels, breathing after karandavasana.

"Am I doing any of it?" I ask.

"Yes, you're the one wobbling," I laugh.

I have to change everything, think of everything in terms of getting light, learning to fly, karandavasana. It has given me a new perspective on practice and how to approach the asanas for sure. When you're thinking of kurmasana, you think about how everything can open your hips. When you're thinking about ustrasana, you're thinking about getting into your upward dogs. When you're thinking about karandavasana, you're thinking about how to keep your mind in your pelvis and to keep it light.

Just some musings, because, well, I think that's what I do!

Currently reading: Into the Wild
Earlier today: slept through the opera, Satyagraha.


  1. Hi Elise!

    Wow, I am really envious of your trip!!! When are you leaving? I have a secret fantasy to be a crazy hippie running away from NYC life :)

    I really want to see Satyagraha... was it boring/bad sleepy? Or just tired sleepy?

    I love reading your blog!

  2. thanks!

    august is the plan :)

    not sure. I think it was a bit repetitious and not very visually stimulating. plus I was tired so that added to it. and it was a rehersal, so they kept taking 20 and 30 minute breaks so it kept going on and on...some of the sets were cool though!

  3. Yeah, that is my dream, too - just to drop everything and go to India. Not in this lifetime, though...
