Thursday, May 1, 2008

Suck it in!

Today I had a focus--vacuum stomach.  I was tired and sore and mentally exhausted but figured that if I could just really focus on that one thing, then I could get through it.  Paying attention made me pay attention.  You can't rush through a serious stomach vacuum and it might make you need to pee!  When I got up to go, I was all fuzzy headed and "blissy".  

Jumping was higher and lighter.  Everything had just a little more length, just a little more space.  But it wore me out.  Pincha and karan jump back?  Forget it!  I knew that my body couldn't take it today (partly because of a moonday coming up).  That said, I felt a difference in karandavasana for sure.  I felt hollowed out and rounded like a little ball and my legs were noticeably higher on my arms.  

Wheels were a trial.  Each time I lifted up a rib ached here, a joint there, everything feeling fragile and tender.  I stood up and just breathed for a little bit, looking down, thinking how much this was going to hurt.  And then I was like, "wait a second--no more thinking!  Just breathe, just move."  So that's what I did.  Some were fast, some were slow.  But I can't remember ever grabbing ankles with feet that parallel before...

After the forward bend I was thinking about how I had to really work on lift ups, yadda, yadda, as I lifted up and jumped back without touching my feet to the floor.  Really!  I wanted to squeal with delight--and of course no one saw.  If a tree falls in the forest...

Why is this a revelation?  Because although I don't usually touch my feet to the ground when I jump back, I'll usually give it a swing and/or push off from the back of my arms.  But today, none of that.  Now I can barely make it up the stairs :)


  1. hey e

    are u supposed gto hold the bandha in super tighjt like that even in forward bends, back bends and finishing postures. and when you say vacuum suck in what do u mean exactly?

  2. I'm no expert (disclaimer! ask your teacher!)...

    they say if you hold mula bandha all the time (which you are supposed to do, the bottom of your belly will be taught and the breathing will be higher up. The suction is happening at the bottom of every exhale and is kind if an extention of mula bandha on the inhale. So the breath isn't necessarily held...does that make sense?

    But yeah, bandhas in everything...even when you shower...even when you sleep!

  3. E
    You are my teacher, which is why I asked.sorry for the anon, but i'm really not interested in being known in the blogosphere community. Your blog is great!

  4. Thanks for doing this, it's a really helpful camera angle and haven't heard the hollowing of the belly before. Any chance of adding one more video following the lift off into jumping back with the same camera angle. I've posted some videos of me struggling with the Jump back on youtube (grimmly2007 jump back)...any other tips or suggestions, just can't seem to get enough height and having to rely on socks on a hardwood floor. Thank again x
